Planned Giving/Trust Services
Their future is in your hands
Here at the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
we are here to serve you and your family with helpful information.

Rick Hutchinson
Rebecca Deal
Department Secretary
The Generous Living Channel . . .
Over 35 inspiring Generous Living video programs. Each one of these brief programs are ideal for private viewing or to show in a church setting. Click on the graphic below:
We offer a free “Wills Kit” to all Carolina Conference members. (two one-page required forms). Completing and submitting the two forms will enable you to prepare your estate planning information before speaking with your conference representative. The “Wills Kit” facilitates rapid and cost-effective drafting of estate planning documents.

To receive your “Wills Kit”, simply email your request to Rebecca Deal. You will promptly receive the kit and additional valuable information.

It is estimated that approximately 70% of Americans either have no Will or their Will is outdated. Do you need to update an existing Will or have a new Will prepared? Did you know we will have your Will prepared at no cost to you — This is a complimentary service of the Trust Services Department of the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.